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#GDI12Days 2016, September: ‘Scruff Bans Word ‘Party’ From User Bios For Potential Connection To Drug Use’

Scruff Ban Word

This republished story is an answer to the #GDI12Days 2016 quiz.

Scruff has banned the word “party” from user bios on the chance the word is being used as a code for drugs and chemsex.

The app, which aims to bring men together for dating and relationships, has been the cause of one user’s confusion following the app’s ban of the word “party”.

Nigel Whitfield realised this rather odd rule after attempting to state that he was a member of the Labour Party in his bio on the app.

However, when he tried to create his profile with this information included in his bio, the app showed him a pop-up message informing him that the word “party” was prohibited.

In a statement, Whitfield said: “I know the Labour party is a bit fucked up at the moment but I’m pretty sure the problem isn’t that it’s on drugs.

“It reminds me a little of when AOL simplistically filtered for rude words, and caused no end of trouble for people in Scunthorpe.”



Understandably, Whitfield was somewhat confused about the banning of the word and it wasn’t until Scruff sent him an email that the reasoning began to make sense.

In the email Scruff stated: “Be advised that the term(s) above may be considered by US law enforcement agencies to be ‘code words’ frequently used to signal interest in drug use and abuse.

“Using Scruff for this purpose is strictly forbidden, and reports of such behaviour are taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.”

Reports have now said that Whitfield has changed his bio to read that he is a member of the “Labour P4arty” and can now use the app.

To see Scruff’s full terms of service please click here.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

Global Dating Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769