How To Protect Your Dating Site: ODA Reveals Info About Data Security Event
The ODA has announced the location for its upcoming seminar all about protecting your site from harmful security breaches.
The event is being held in partnership with leading service and consultancy provider Data IQ, and will give attendees practical advice and guidance on how to prevent such incidents.
The seminar will take place at King’s College London, Strand Building on the 10th September at 5pm.
George Kidd from the ODA said: “Dating businesses are data businesses. Users are not going to easily forgive services that do not safeguard their personal information. Nor will regulators. Data insecurity could be a business-breaker. The ODA event is a not to be missed practical nuts and bolts briefing on how not to break your business and an event we have opened to everyone.”
Companies will also receive advice on how to monitor activity for risk, and how to deal with a data loss if it does happen.
The one hour briefing is with Christine Andrews, MD of Data IQ Consulting and joint owner of Data IQ, a leading data governance, research, audit and advisory business formed in 1996.
The ODA said: “Christine works extensively in the industry, speaking at many conferences and events on the importance of data protection, security and overall data governance, as well as solutions for companies wishing to maximise the value of data within their organisations.”
The September session will also cover the following:
- Practical support around data security, including outsourcing.
- Preventative actions and penetration testing.
- Consequences of things going wrong.
- Insurance/crisis PR/breach notification plan.
- Data retention policies and data destruction.
- Standards and support: government cyber essentials, ISO27001.
The event takes place on Thursday 10th September at 5pm, at Room S0.12 King’s College London, Strand Building in London, postcode WC2R 2LS.
The event is free to ODA members, and carries a charge of £20 for non-members.
To enquire about attending please contact Ann Austin from the ODA here to confirm your place.