
Tinder Launches For Apple Watch


Tinder is the latest big dating brand to launch for Apple Watch.

The hugely popular dating app follows fellow IAC brand in launching for the wearable, following its recent integration with Instagram earlier this month.

The new version that makes the app compatible with Apple Watch was released on the 28th April.


At the start of the month, Tinder teamed up with Instagram to let singles add their Instagram feed to their dating profile.

The update also added extra information about your matches — showing if you have mutual friends, or friends-of-friends.


In addition to letting you swipe through singles, browse your matches and get notifications when you make a new match, you can also view and reply to messages.

tinderapplewatch also recently launched their Apple Watch app, which includes smart glances, a Tinder-style yes/no browsing mechanism and a voice-to-text dictation feature to compose your own emails.

Yesterday, IAC released their first quarterly earnings report after the launch of Tinder Plus, which they said “came in solidly against expectations”.

Check out how other Apple Watch dating apps look here, and download Tinder here.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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