Apple Expects Mass Decline of Tracked Mobile Adverts
Apple is expecting more than 68% of users to opt-out of its new ‘App Tracking Transparency’ feature.
Roll out of the new feature is expected in the coming days, and is an attempt from Apple to keep iPhone users from being monitored by third party companies for the purposes of receiving online adverts.
Apple will begin pushing out a prompt asking users whether they are giving a specific app permission to track them. They can then choose to allow tracking, agreeing to be followed across the internet, enhancing the placement of online ads for products they’ve just viewed on your device.
However, only 32% of users are expected to allow third-party apps to track their searches.
The new addition sparked furious backlash from Facebook, citing its negative impact on small businesses. It’s also expected to have an out sized impact on Facebook, which collected nearly $85 billion in advertising related revenue last year.
Further analysis also suggests that well-liked apps will have a higher opt-in rate in the neighbourhood of 40%. Whether that means consumers have more faith in the developers of their favourite mobile apps is not certain.
However, the number of iPhone users estimated to give permission to being tracked varies depending on whom you ask. Bumble predicts that a range between one and 20% of iOS users want to continue receiving online advertisements.
Read more here.