
Is Buffalo The Most Dangerous City For Online Dating?

Only in our Monday article we told you that a recent survey, conducted by “KENS 5” had ranked San Antonio as the safest city for online dating. However, a new study has now listed Buffalo, a city in western New York state, as the nation’s most dangerous city for online dating.

The study, which was conducted by a security review company “SafeWise” and ““, ranked 56 U.S cities based on two risk factors that researchers said were key to online dating security. It has been researched that STD cases and violent crime rates, had both been adjusted for their population. Using these metrics for the survey, researchers produced safety scores for each city.

The study revealed that Buffalo had the highest STD rate and the 11th highest violent crime rate too. Buffalo, was found to be twice as dangerous for online dating as the study’s most recent dangerous city, Riverside, California.

One of the researchers who participated in the study, wrote “Buffalo residents may not have a lot to do while cooped up indoors for those long Buffalo winters, but clearly some people could use more precaution,” in his summary of findings.

Chloe Gay

Chloe is a reporter at Global Dating Insights. Originally from Bracknell, she is studying Communication & Media at Bournemouth University. She enjoys writing, travelling and socialising with her friends and family.

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