
Bumble COO Talks Subscription Models in Apple Interview


Bumble COO Sarah Jones Simmer has featured in the latest Apple Developer Insights video. The series interviews app developers who explain how they’ve found success on the App Store and the lessons that they’ve learnt.

In this episode, Simmer shares how subscription models are used to offer a continuously valuable customer experience. She appears alongside representatives from Dropbox, Elevate and Calm.

Bumble has stressed the importance of always working to create the best possible experience for its users.

Simmer said: “We think about subscriptions much in the same way we think about any feature. Is it adding value to our users and how can we create a set of things that are going to add increased value for them, above and beyond their existing experience?”

She continued on to describe how users can have a worthwhile time on the dating app without spending any money. However, Bumble will suggest premium products if that individual person could have an enhanced or more efficient experience by subscribing.

Talking about offering free trials, she explained: “We have found it very effective to experiment with different time-frames for trials, as a way to let them toe dip into what that subscription experience will look like, without them feeling like they have to make a financial commitment.”

Simmer concludes the video by saying that it’s important to ensure that the subscription product is always as good as it can possibly be, and listening to feedback is a great way to continue developing.

She said: “If you create a great subscription product, they’re going to keep coming back and they’re going to allow that subscription to renew.

“Listen to your user’s feedback and let them guide you where you should go, and when you meet their expectations it will drive your own business goals.”

Sarah Jones Simmer recently interviewed with Cheddar to discuss the impact that Facebook Dating will have on the industry.

Watch the full video here.


Dominic Whitlock

Dominic is the Editor for Global Dating Insights. Originally from Devon, England he achieved a BA in English Language & Linguistics from The University of Reading. He enjoys a variety of sports and has a further passion for film and music.

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