
Chapter 2 Announces Hookup Spin-Off App

Chapter 2, the dating app for widows and widowers, will be launching a spin-off platform which will help this community find ‘physical comfort’ with other bereaved people. The new app is called WidowsFire, named after the term meaning “strong desire for sex following bereavement”

WidowsFire will officially launch in June 2023, with users able to register now to receive one month free premium access. 

The launch of the new platform is accompanied by new research which explores the sexual desire among widows and widowers. Over 500 bereaved individuals took part in this study, with over 58% saying they began feeling sexual urges within 6 months of their partner’s death.

While urges begin within 6 months, on average it takes a bereaved individual 1 year, 3 months, and 2 weeks before having sexual relations with someone new. 48% of widows and widowers say that they now have more sex with their new partner.

Here are some other findings from the study:

Overall the study found that the positives of having sex with someone new after a partner’s death outweighed potential negatives. These potential downsides included feeling nervous, and feeling like a new partner did not know how to please them. 

Nicky Wake, Founder of Chapter 2, said: 

Widows and widowers having sex seems to be a major taboo in our society – no one wants to talk about it, even though it happens – often!”

“At Chapter 2, we’re proud to support widows and widowers by openly discussing these issues and are proud to actively explore such poorly researched aspects of life.”

“By discussing the complex topics others won’t, I hope we acknowledge how lonely life can feel after bereavement and show that it’s perfectly normal and understandable to crave physical comfort and attention after losing a partner.”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and we want to break down the stigma around widows and widowers moving forward with someone new, whether that’s physically, emotionally, or both.”

You can find the Chapter 2 website here and listen to our recent podcast with Nicky Wake here.

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