
Ford Engages With 1.5m Tinder Users In Recent Campaign On Dating App

Tinder Ford

Ford engaged with over 1.5m users on Tinder in a recent promotional campaign on the dating app.

The US car manufacturer added a set of branded profiles to the singles app that instructed users to: “Swipe right if you fancy a blind date in a Ford Mustang”.

The profile read: “It’s the date you’ve been waiting for – Ford Mustang wants to take you on a blind date like no other. Just swipe right to find out more.”

And the branded profiles were interacted with by 1.5m users of the dating app, eventually resulting in five couples being selected for the blind dates, which were filmed for a promotional video.

Tinder Ford

The couples drove around London in the yellow Mustang, getting quizzed by TV comedy star Jarred Christmas to help break the ice, before ending up at a drive-in movie.

Speaking about the campaign, Derek Callow, vice president international for Tinder, said: “The Mustang forever changed the way that people think about American sports cars.

“Tinder has changed the way that people meet. It made sense for us to work together and spark some new connections.”

The campaign shows the kind of massive reach and exposure Tinder can offer to brands when the dating app is used as a promotional tool.

You can watch the video, which has so far seen 8,952 views on YouTube, below:

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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