
Japanese Authorities are Harnessing AI for Matchmaking

Local authorities across Japan are using the analytical abilities of AI to bring together compatible singles. Focused around offline matchmaking events, AI can help to match singles who otherwise may not have considered one another.

To reverse the trend of couples getting married at an older age, or not at all, a number of local governments across the country are hosting matchmaking events. However, the authorities are harnessing AI to boost compatibility analysis, The Japan Times explains.

In some cases, AI analyses personal information from marriage support centres, combined with internet browsing history, to suggest potential matches, the report shares. Other local governments ask singles to answer questionnaires, matching those who share compatible qualities.

31 out of 47 prefectures had put into place AI matchmaking services by the end of March 2023, The Japan Times highlights.

“The purpose of this program is to broaden people’s horizons so they are not limited to thinking only about what academic institutions people went to or their age”, said Hirotake Iwamaru, a counsellor at a marriage support centre in the Ehime Prefecture.

Another counsellor from the Tochigi region explained that “young people tend to leave things to others to do, so I think we need, occasionally, to ask big data to recommend partners”.

But why are dating apps not being relied upon to provide these services?

This question was brought up when news broke earlier this year that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was creating its own AI-powered matchmaking platform.

It’s clear that local governments can add extra value when developing their own platform, for example integrating stricter verification measures, checking for proof of singleness against marriage records, and more.

Furthermore, reports found that the Japanese public had reservations about privately-run mainstream dating platforms, having concerns about fake profiles.

Dating apps are not totally out of the equation however. Japan-only dating app Pairs, part of the Match Group portfolio, announced agreements with 10 local governments across the country recently. 

Read the full report from The Japan Times here.

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