
Match’s ‘Singles in America’ Study Finds Daters Prioritising Long-Term Relationships

Match has published the results from its 11th annual ‘Singles in America’ study, one of the biggest scientific examinations of single adults in the country.

The results from this year signal a significant shift in the wider dating culture and the attitudes of daters. Over 5,000 people responded to and completed the survey. 

The majority of singles are looking for a long-term relationship and are prioritising factors like emotional maturity, open-mindedness and being trustworthy. 78% of respondents listed ‘physically attractive’ as a desired characteristic, a drop from 90% in 2020.

Only 11% of singles want to date casually, while 65% are looking for a relationship within the next year.

Dr. Helen Fisher, Chief Science Advisor at Match, explained in a statement: “The current zeitgeist has it all wrong. Looks are out, emotional maturity is in. Stability is the new sexy.” 

“While COVID wreaked havoc with our lives, it also triggered momentous post-traumatic growth. Singles have re-evaluated themselves and their plans. They’ve grown up. Bad boys and girls are passe; today’s singles want educated, successful, grounded, open-minded and committed partners – a reset that may increase family stability for decades to come.”

More singles are looking to get married, but fewer need a partner who wants children. 61% of under 40s it is important to date someone who wants children, compared to 80% in 2017.

Match Group and Tinder were among the biggest promoters of the ‘Summer Of Love’ and ‘Hot Vax Summer’. However, daters are still wary about who they’re connecting with and the majority are uncomfortable kissing or having other sexual contact in the first three dates.

Video dates are still playing an important role in the journey, with approximately half of Gen Z and Millennials going on a virtual date in the past year. Furthermore, 63% of singles would be more comfortable on a first date if they initially had a video call.

Read the full results here.

Dominic Whitlock

Dominic is the Editor for Global Dating Insights. Originally from Devon, England he achieved a BA in English Language & Linguistics from The University of Reading. He enjoys a variety of sports and has a further passion for film and music.

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