Orange Belgium Starts Recruitment Drive on Tinder
Telecoms provider Orange Belgium has started to use Tinder as a tool for recruiting new employees.
The month-long campaign began on 21st March, and features a number of different profiles promoting vacancies within the company. If a user is interested in a role, they can match and receive more information.
Orange Belgium has previously committed to bringing young talent into the company by digitally recruiting in an innovative fashion.
Chief People Officer at Orange Belgium Isabel Carrion said in a statement: “As a ‘Bold Challenger’ on the market, we do not just want to wow our customers with original mobile and convergent offers, we also want to shake up telco conventions by standing out, by making a difference both outside and inside the company.
“This is why we are looking to attract digital natives who can help us further disrupt the market. By launching this recruitment campaign via social medium, Tinder, we intend to be right where digital natives spend their time. It is a different way of connecting with people who are not only looking for love, but who might also be looking for a new job to love.”
At the end of last year, recruitment profiles for the New Zealand police force were removed from Tinder after the organisation rolled them out on the dating app by mistake.
Bumble Bizz recently received some criticism for adding a women-only filtering tool, as some people claimed it was discriminatory. However, the app’s defenders pointed out that the platform is designed for networking rather than recruiting.
Visit the Tinder website here.