Survey Explores How Far Dating App Singles Will Travel
A new survey conducted by Pollfish and Hire a Helper has investigated how far US singles are willing to travel to find new relationships.
Responses were collected from 1,000 participants on April 23, 2019, and split to provide specific insights for each generational cohort.
35% of the total said they would not look for love outside of their city or neighbourhood.
Over 60% said they would set their distance limit to “30 miles or closer” when using a dating app, with only 27% open to pursuing long distance relationships. 9% said they didn’t consider distance when deciding who to date.
Millennials were more likely to look for dates within 20 miles, with 49% saying this distance or closer would be their upper limit.
Men were slightly more inclined to find a partner nearby than women. Homosexual and bisexual individuals, though, were happier to travel for love than heterosexual respondents.
While a high percentage of respondents didn’t want to move long distances, the majority of those who did (73%) said it was a worthwhile decision.
Over 30% of long distance relationships began via online dating services, and another 4-5% began elsewhere online. Around 22% began through friends or family.
Read more here.