TAIMI Introduces Online Campaign to Remove ‘Coming Out’ Stigma
TAIMI has launched a new social media campaign to combat some of the stigma surrounding the act of ‘coming out’.
The LGBTQ+ social networking platform aims to provide a safe space for everyone from the community to interact, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity.
“TAIMI – Coming-Out-Free Community”, is a series of videos that imagines what would happen if a person had an object for every time they’d been outed, or had to come out to somebody.
Individual videos include somebody surrounded by thousands of pieces of confetti, and someone else with a large collection of rubber ducks.
Featuring members of the community from all walks of life, the videos were produced by the aptly-named creative agency, They, and have received millions of views online.
Alex Pasykov, TAIMI’s creator and founder, told Attitude: “TAIMI is a community. It is a Coming Out Free community, not yet another dating app where people can find a hook-up for a one-night stand.
“We provide a world free of judgement and harassment, a safe and secure environment to communicate, connect, share information, discuss issues, meet new people and be actively involved in the LGBTQI+ community. We are open to everyone.”
At the beginning of the month, TAIMI reached a significant milestone when it welcomed its five millionth user.
Read more here.