
Tinder Releases Five Special Profiles for Shark Week


Tinder has formed an unlikely partnership with the Discovery Channel in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Shark Week.

The campaign includes five Shark Week profile cards which will be live within the app from July 10th – 29th. The profiles are for five different types of shark from all over the world.

The profile for ‘Trixie’ the shark, aged 20, reads: “Caribbean born and raised! If you’re a tourist swipe left. If you’re on a cruise, WHO ARE YOU?! I’m sweet, cute and kind with some serious tiger flare. So swipe right if you want to grab a bite!”

If users match with one of the sharks they will receive some advice on how to secure themselves a Shark Week date, as well as some information on how to help save endangered sharks.

Tinder has also partnered with Pledgeling to help maximise donations to shark conservation schemes.

Users of the dating app can swipe after matching with one of the special profiles to be directed to a donation page.

Furthermore, Tinder and Pledgeling will give three winners, and their dates, a shark diving trip to the Bahamas.

Tinder has tried to do its bit for animal conservation in the past, once encouraging users to stop posting pictures with tigers on their profiles. The dating app donated $10,000 to Project Cat in honour of World Tiger Day in 2017.

Read more here.

Dominic Whitlock

Dominic is the Editor for Global Dating Insights. Originally from Devon, England he achieved a BA in English Language & Linguistics from The University of Reading. He enjoys a variety of sports and has a further passion for film and music.

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