Australia Set to Have 10 Million 5G Mobile Network Connections by 2022
The number of 5G mobile network connections in Australia is estimated to reach over 10 million by the end of 2022.
The new estimates have come from industry analyst Telsyte, and were derived from the Telsyte Australian Mobile Services Market Study 2018.
Australia is currently bracing itself for the introduction of 5G services next year. The country’s three largest mobile network carriers, Optus, Vodafone and Telstra are all set to roll out a 5G fixed wireless service.
According to Telsyte, the arrival of 5G is predicted to enable further innovation within bundled services, mobile services plans and helping to create market differentiation.
The company’s research discovered that 32% of those surveyed felt that they were still paying too much for their current services, so it remains unclear as to whether the 5G will provide a new price differentiation or not.
The research also discovered that one in four Australians increased their mobile connection within the past 12 months, due to slow or non-working broadband connection at work or home.
32% of people surveyed also said they would be likely to upgrade their monthly mobile data limit, according to Telsyte.
Telsyte senior analyst, Alvin Lee, said: “The market is conditioning people to consider and pay for different access technologies separately, but ultimately consumers just want their Internet to work, anywhere at any given time, on all their digital devices.”
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