Grindr is Introducing Voice Messaging
GBTQ dating app Grindr is in the process of introducing voice messaging as an alternative way for users to connect on the platform.
Grindr says: “The sound of someone’s voice says a lot about them. That’s why we added audio messages, an easy and authentic way to connect and express yourself.
“(…) Don’t see the message in chat yet? Don’t worry – it’s coming soon.”
Some users have expressed concern that the integration of voice messaging will open up another avenue for discrimination on the app.
Having a masculine voice may be seen as more desirable, while having a strong accent may make connecting more difficult.
The move sought to “reduce H.I.V. transmission and support our whole community – regardless of H.I.V. status – in living long and fulfilling lives,” said Jack Harrison-Quintana, Grindr’s Director for Equality.
Grindr will speak at GDI LA 2018 on Thursday 14th June.
Read more here.