Reinstall Rates High for Dating App Users
New research has shown that a high number of users are uninstalling and then reinstalling their apps.
The data has been released by mobile analytics firm Tune.
Tune’s analysis revealed that nearly 30% of app downloads in North America were reinstalls. This was measured between November 2017 and May 2018.
Tune also discovered that reinstall rates were higher for specific app categories, in particular those for which consumers had a short-term need for. For example, dating apps and travel apps.
Gaming apps are also likely to be reinstalled at a higher rate than non-gaming apps.

Tune discovered that 34% of U.S smartphones users (polled in November 2017) reinstalled an app because they wanted to give it another try. This is the most popular reason for reinstalls.
20% of U.S smartphone users surveyed also said that they had deleted an app before because they found it “buggy” and reinstalled it in the hope that the newer version would work better for them.
Read more here.