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FROM THE WEB: On Dating and LinkedIn – The Guardian interview with LinkedUp CEO Max Fischer


There has been a recent trend of dating sites looking towards the professional networking space of LinkedIn to match up single users.

The Guardian spoke to Max Fischer, the president and CEO of LinkedUp, about why they decided to connect with LinkedIn for their dating app.

LinkedUp pulls information from the professional networking site, such as your job, school, industry and age.

As with Tinder, you can limit the location and age range, and two users are put in touch if they mutually like each other.

If you are looking for someone from a particular industry, you can tailor the search to which professions you would, and wouldn’t, like to see.

Recently SingldOut, who partnered with Instant Chemistry, launched their LinkedIn-based site for busy professionals.

Jana Kasperkevic asks Fischer about the issues around using a professional networking site as a dating database.

Fischer said:

“What’s so great about the app that we developed is that it pulls from the really quality premium user database that [LinkedIn has] set up, which gives people a true sense of identity of the other person on the other end of the mobile app that we have created.

The user has sense, in terms of comfort and understanding, of: where is that person from? What do they do? Where did they go to school? Which are some of the most important questions in dating rapport between two people in terms of the first interaction.”

Read the interview here.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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