ExoClick Releases Video Advertising Statistics

Each quarter ExoClick’s Business Intelligence team examines the networks data. Data examined this quarter demonstrated an upward trend in video advertising.

Video is becoming more and more important for advertisers, as a result ExoClick has seen a higher adoption by their publishers to monetise video ad formats. ExoClick compared Q1 to Q2 growth for pre-roll in-stream ads:

Clicks growth 22.27%

Impressions growth: 3.9%

Views growth: 0.44%

ExoClick looked at the CTR of pre-roll in-stream video ads with in-video banner ads, and listed the top 6 verticals for each format with highest CTR:

Pre-roll in-stream video

Gambling 14%

Free video content 14%

VoD 10%

Movies/music 10%

Generate income 8%

Dating 7%

In-video banners

Product tutorials 20%

Games 10%

Dating 9%

VoD 8%

Nutra 7%

E-Commerce 6% 

ExoClick launched the Video Slider ad format 4 weeks ago, ExoClick’s statistics show that this new format has already seen a very high adoption from both publishers and advertisers. Since launch ExoClick now has 1,474 active Video Slider ad zones, here is the week on week growth of impressions:

Week 1 – 3.9 million impressions

Week 2 – 46.1 million impressions

Week 3 – 106.4 million impressions

Week 4 – 203 million impressions

The Q2 statistics report also looked at email marketing and ExoClick’s Bidder tool.

See the full statistics here  

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