
New Video Chat Dating App Zepeel Released


[dropcap]New dating app Zepeel aims to bring users face to face before they’ve even met.


Zepeel is a mobile app which is 100% video interactive, where users can browse through video profiles then set up video chats.

Users must take both a real-time profile photo and a profile video  – which is used for members to introduce themselves, talk about their interests and who they are looking to meet.

Founder and CEO of Zepeel, Steve Szikszay, said: “We want to save time and energy for online daters by allowing them to know right away if they have a connection with the person on the other end.

“Zepeel is the first completely mobile and video interactive dating app that increases the chances of daters finding their perfect person while saving time and money.”


The company says they are aiming to stop users wasting time looking through potentially misleading photos, and also sidestepping the growing trend of fake profiles and misrepresentation in online dating.

“Zepeel essentially makes it impossible for you to claim to be someone else, ensuring there is legitimacy to whom you are talking to,” said Shannon Toshack, Public Relations Manager at Zepeel.

Once users have created a profile, they can browse video profiles and send video messages with a view to setting up a video chat.

By making personal videos, Zepeel aims to create a greater feeling of trust and legitimacy between members, increasing the likelihood of a connection before the first date.

The app is currently exclusively available for iOS devices, and can be found on the App Store here.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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