News Launches Video Chat has launched their brand new video chat feature. Subscription holders will be able to access a video chat feature on the sugar-dating website As a long-standing platform, it allows sugar babies and sugar daddies to create long-term relationships.

The website was founded in 2005 and holds over 4 million members, averaging at almost 1,000 new profiles a day. The video chat feature will be available to all users, meaning once they have found a potential partner they can connect via a video chat without having to disclose any of their personal information.

“We’re very excited to announce that we’ve integrated a new video chat feature on our platform,” announced Sugar Daddy For Me.  “Our members can now enjoy greater transparency and more direct personal interactions by using our new live video chat feature. This means users can have peace of mind and make sure they’ve made the right connection by getting to know the other person better before taking the next step. Our members can now have their first meeting by live video chat and see and talk to each other for as long as they want to before actually meeting in person.”

Luke Smith

Luke is the Editor for Global Dating Insights. Originally from London, he achieved a BA in Journalism from De Montfort University, Leicester. An experienced content writer, he enjoys a variety of sports, with a keen passion for his football team, Fulham FC.

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