
Tinder Starts ‘Break the Habit’ Campaign in Germany

Tinder has released a new campaign in Germany that encourages singles to escape the vicious cycle of old dating patterns and habits. The platform released new advice for healthier dating, partnering with dating expert and psychologist Pia Kabitzsch.

The ‘Break the Habit’ initiative highlights common dating challenges that singles face, such as always pursuing the same type of person, or having difficulty writing an opening message.

The trick to breaking these habit is to leave your comfort zone and find a new perspective on dating, Tinder shares. Together with dating expert Pia Kabitzsch, it shared 5 key pieces of advice for German singles:

  1. Pick out potential matches by analysing their profile, and not just their photos. Gen Z prefers value-based qualities such as loyalty (79%), respect (78%) and open-mindedness (61%) compared to appearances (56%).
  1. Take the initiative and start the conversation yourself. 77% of Gen Z reply within 30 minutes or less, raising their chances of success. Who cares who ultimately made the first move?
  1. Focus on yourself. It can be easy to focus solely on the other person when dating, but singles should be asking themselves: How did I feel about the other person? Do they really suit me? Am I really interested in getting to know them?
  1. Time can make a difference. If the vibe is right during a first date, but the final spark is missing, it might be worth going on a second date anyways. Before moving on completely, it is worth remembering that attraction can develop over time.
  1. Communication is key. After a date, it can be easy to over-analyse and chat with friends to discuss minor details about a potential partner. However, this takes up energy and can lead to stress. Talking to a partner to find clarification is the simplest way to resolve any unanswered questions. 

Tinder and Pia Kabitzsch also share that there are some toxic dating clichés or behaviours, like only choosing to message three days after a date. They add that “if you had a good date, let your counterpart know directly” and to avoid playing games.

As part of this campaign, Tinder is partnering with expert Pia Kabitzsch on a new podcast series called ‘Besser Daten’, where a ‘Break the Habit’ discussion will be a recurring segment.

The dating app’s research found that more than 40% of Tinder users want a commited and serious relationship. The ‘Break the Habit’ campaign wants to break the familiar dating patterns which often restrict singles’ choices, helping them find these meaningful connections.

Find out more about this new campaign in Germany and the new podcast series here. 

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