
Instagram to Launch new ‘You’re All Caught Up’ Feature


Instagram is set to launch a new feature which lets users know once they’ve seen everything and they can stop scrolling without missing out.

The app will apparently show users a mid-feed alert after they have scrolled a lot, and it will say: “You’re All Caught Up – You’ve seen all new posts from the past 48 hours.”

Instagram has confirmed to TechCrunch that it is currently testing this feature.


However, the company declined to give details about how it works – whether it means a user has seen literally every post from people they follow within the last two days or just the posts that the algorithm has decided it is best to be showing them.

Before Instagram rolled out its algorithm in the summer of 2016, users were able to scroll to the last post they’d seen or when they’d last visited.

There has been some backlash previously regarding the algorithm, so this new feature may quieten this and mean users will once again not be missing any content.

This will be Instagram’s first publicly tested feature which has been designed with the “time well spent” movement in mind.

Read more here.

Chloe Gay

Chloe is a reporter at Global Dating Insights. Originally from Bracknell, she is studying Communication & Media at Bournemouth University. She enjoys writing, travelling and socialising with her friends and family.

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