Match Group Offers Egg Freezing to Female Employees
Match Group CEO Mandy Ginsberg has been interviewed by professional news website Observer, where she discussed some of the recent talking points from the online dating industry.
She was asked to provide an update on the sexual harassment allegations against former Tinder CEO Greg Blatt. The news came to light when some of the dating app’s founders sued Match Group over allegedly misvalued stock options.
Departing Head of Marketing Rosette Pambakian put forward the claims, saying she was just one of several female employees who had been groped by Blatt.
Ginsberg responded to Observer: “I don’t really have an update – there’s been a complaint, but no one has sued the company for sexual harassment.
“I have been very aggressive to make sure that our employees know that we do not shy away from these issues and that they are in a safe environment. We have fired people in the past because of sexual harassment.”
Leaked emails showed the communications between Ginsberg and Pambakian after the latter was fired for her involvement in the founders’ lawsuit.
Ginsberg said during the interview that she wants “Match Group [to be] the best technology company for women to work at”, highlighting some of the benefits the firm offers.
Female employees of all ages have been offered an 80% contribution toward egg freezing, making it an affordable option and giving them flexibility when it comes to making family decisions.
The conversation then turned to Match’s competition. The Facebook Dating announcement in May initially had a detrimental effect on Match Group’s stock price, but the dating giant has since recovered.
Ginsberg explained that she hasn’t seen an impact in the markets Facebook has already entered. She said: “We found that when people were given a choice to sign up on Tinder with a phone number [instead] of a Facebook account, 75 percent actually chose not to use Facebook.
“That was a clear message to us that consumers don’t really like connecting the two worlds together.”
Last week, on Valentine’s Day, Mandy Ginsberg was included in GDI’s fifth annual Power Book.
Read the full interview here.