
Twitter Unveils New Dashboard For Businesses

twitter dashboard

Twitter has just launched a new dashboard for businesses, that lets brands schedule posts & engage with their audience.

Built for iOS and desktop, Twitter’s new Dashboard first asks you to detail what sort of business you are – local, online, app or game, brand or product, enterprise – and how many employees you have.

It then asks you to specify “how people talk about your business”, letting you add any keywords, nicknames or phrases connected to your business that people might use.

This is because Twitter Dashboard doesn’t just group together your mentions, it creates a custom feed that also collects together posts where people have talked about your business, but not directly mentioned you with an @.

twitter dashboard

Having created your custom feed, you are then logged into your Dashboard, which has three main areas – Home, Create & Analytics.

Home shows you your custom mentions feed, with all your tweets and mentions about your business.

The Create tab is where you can schedule tweets for the future, also enabling you to add pictures & GIFs to the posts.

twitter dashboard

The final tab is Analytics, which gives you insights into your activity, letting you see how big your audience is, how many mentions you’ve had, and how many replies you are getting.

In this area, you can choose to view your analytics over the past week, 30 days or 60 days.

The Analytics tab also lets you see your highest performing tweets and how many impressions they received.

And throughout the new platform, Twitter gives helpful tips on how to improve your business’ social media strategy, such as “people are 3x more likely to engage with photos, videos, and GIFs”.

You can now check out Twitter’s new Dashboard on the web here, or download the app for iOS.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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