
Quarter Of Britons Still Have Dating Apps On Phone Even When In Relationships


Over 25% of people in Britain still use dating apps even if they are in a relationship.

This is according to a new study by smartphone manufacturer HTC who found that 24% keep their profile active even after they enter into a relationship.

And this percentage rose to 34% in Northern Ireland.

A quarter of Britons said they had one or more dating apps on their phone, with 37% saying they had met a partner on such an app, and 35% in Scotland saying it had led to a meaningful relationship.

And fashion choices were interestingly found to be a big factor in whether singles swiped right or left.

Men wearing suit jackets and skinny jeans fared well, along with those who wore blue, but those with a “man bun” fared less well.

For women, gym gear was found to be the most popular and red the best colour.

Speaking about the results, personal stylist Chantelle Znideric said: “With the growing prevalence of mobile app dating, it’s so important to learn how to style yourself correctly to look great on your mobile.

“In the past, first impressions were made on the first date, whereas these days potential partners are making snap decisions with every swipe, based on two or three images.”

Back in 2015, dating app Hinge introduced a new feature that outed any users who were in a relationship by displaying this information, taken from their Facebook page, onto their dating profile.

This was in response to some research by UK-based research company Global Web Index who surveyed internet users about their online dating habits, and found that 30% of Tinder users said they were married, and 12% were in a relationship.

The Hollywood-based dating app rebuffed this data, saying the results of this “tiny” study were “completely inaccurate”.

Read more about the study here.

Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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