
Tinder Sees 23% Match Increase Over Thanksgiving Period

Most Right-Swiped Professions

With Americans from around the country returning home for Thanksgiving last Thursday, matches on Tinder rose by 23% over the holiday period.

Last year, the app saw a total of 2.3bn swipes over Thanksgiving.

This holiday period, the app saw over 17m matches, a 23% increase compared to a normal weekend.

Tinder sociologist Dr. Jess Carbino said: “People typically tend to be attracted to those with a similar demographic background – from age, occupation, education and more.

“Individuals who grow up in the same areas are more likely to have shared experiences, making home a great place for singles with similar values to connect.”

In terms of the most popular US cities, Detroit saw the biggest increase with a 54% rise compared to normal weekends, followed by Houston with 43% and Washington D.C. seeing a 41% hike.

Check out the full list of top Thanksgiving Tinder spots below:

Cities with highest increase in matches

  1. Detroit – 54%
  2. Houston – 43 %
  3. Washington D.C. – 41%
  4. Dallas – 38 %
  5. Baltimore – 37 %
  6. Philadelphia – 34 %
  7. Los Angeles – 32 %
  8. Minneapolis – 32 %
  9. Charlotte – 32 %
  10. Portland – 30 %


Simon Edmunds

Simon is the former editor of Global Dating Insights. Born in Newcastle, he has an English degree from Queen Mary, London and after working for the NHS, trained as a journalist with the Press Association. Passionate about music, journalism and Newcastle United.

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