Blued Creates #WhatsNext377 Campaign for Indian LGBTQ Community
Blued has launched an awareness campaign in India to support the rights of the LGBTQ community.
#WhatsNext377 follows on from the recent ruling by the Supreme Court which legalised consensual gay sex and asserted that sexual orientation was natural and not a choice.
Although being LGBTQ is now more accepted in India, it is still not legal to get married or adopt. This new campaign is pushing for these rights and any other rights that an individual might wish for.
Blued produced a video titled “Legally Yours | #WhatsNext377”. Therein, four Indian LGBTQ influencers are asked about their life journey and what bucket list aims they have.
Some of their hopes for the future included society changing its mindset towards the community, a space for the older generation and overall gender equality.
Mr Gay India 2014 Sushant Divgikr said to Business Standard: “With the recent judgment on LGBTQI, I am glad that brands are recognizing the community and coming forward for support. I appreciate the initiative taken by Blued and glad to be a part of this campaign.
“It’s important to create awareness about the implications that still exist despite the judgment. There is a need to bring rights in place so that we can step together with the society and be considered as common people.”
A recent survey from Blued found that 92% of the gay community want to get married and 75% of them would like to have a child, either through adoption or surrogacy.
Grindr is one of the LGBTQ dating apps that has seen serious growth in India since gay sex was made legal.
Read more here.